Playlist Archive

Brian Smiff /

Time Artist Track Album
Radiohead Everything In Its Right Place Kid A
Herbie Hancock aung san suu kyi 1+1
azure ray across the ocean hold on love
My Morning Jacket Wordless Chorus Z
mary kate o'neil getting out of bed s/t
kahimi karie what are you wearing? k.k.k.k.k.
harlem shakes sickos burning birthdays
Pond Perfect Four Pond
Murdocks bloody murder surrenderender
My Bloody Valentine Sueisfine Isn’t Anything
Dan Deacon Woof Woof Bromst
captain audio track 1 luxury
Guided by Voices if we want sunfish holy breakfast
wally pleasant hippies lament songs about stuff
headlights your old street headlights
Helio Sequence Repeater Love and Distance
Discovery I wanna be your boyfriend LP
ballboy sex is boring a guide for the daylight hours
The Knife we share our mothers' health Silent Shout
Deerhoof Dummy Discards A Heart Apple O
poole the story with me amongwhomweshine
moped havent seen my friends in so long the horrible truth about
A Night of Serious Drinking Terminal One After Another
Robyn Hitchcock Sometimes a Blonde Spooked
Jared Eggers 1 Flourescent Twilight
death from above 1979 turn it out you're a woman I'm a machine
The dead bodies dancing has no class mr spookhouse's pink house
The Microphones The Sun Mount Eerie
David Bowie Rock N Roll Suicide Ziggy Stardust