Playlist Archive

Nathaniel /

Time Artist Track Album
Worriers Chasing Imaginary Life
The exploding hearts Modern Kicks Guitar Romantic
The Spits 19 Million AC 19 Million AC
AFI The Leaving Song Part II Sing The Sorrow
Rancid Hyena Rancid
Rixe Larmes De Crocodile Coups and Blessures
The Shrine Zipper Tripper Primative Blast
Ty Segall The Faker Manipulator
Shorebirds People I live with Shorebirds
The coneheads Alien and warm Self titled
Ex-cult Ties you up with new virtues ties you up with new virtues
Milk Teeth Vitamins Sad Sack
Black Flag Nervous Breakdown Nervous Breakdown
Red Fang Wires Murder the Mountains
The bouncing souls Wayfarer Split
Lifetime Turnpike Gates Jersey's best dancers
Sebadoh The freed Pig Sebadoh III
Twitching Tongues Disharmony Disharmony
Electric Wizard Vinum Sabbathi Dopethrone
Nots Insect Eyes Nots
Paint Fumes Sally Smoked Dope Sally Smoked Dope EP
Turbonegro Selfdestructo Bust Apocalypse dudes
The Thermals Pillar of salt The Body The blood the machine
Alkaline Trio This Could Be Love Good Mourning
Weed Hounds Skating away from the cops S/T
Discharge You take part in creating this system Fight Back
Screaching Weasel Cool Kids Weaselmania
Left and Right Low Expectations Five Year Plan
Nerve City Chemtrails Asleep on the Tracks
Graveyard Goliath Lights Out
Spiritualized Soul on fire Songs in A and E
Heavy Bangs All the Girls Demos
Magic Circle Scream Evil S/t