Playlist Archive

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Time Artist Track Album
Tortoise eros> seneca standards
boxcar racer instrumental boxcar racer
rameleh kansas city bomber homeless
Can paperhouse> mushroom tago mago
Fleetwood Mac searching for madge > my dream then play on (uk)
Sonic Youth Teenage Riot Daydream Nation
Sonic Youth Tuck N Dar Made in USA
Pink Floyd the gold its in the... obscured by clouds
pere ubu over my head fontana
red sparrowes mechanical sounds... at the soundless dawn
Heldon Elephanta A Dream Without Reason
microstoria pokus > communerism init ding
Pelican Autumn into Summer The Fire in our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw
Unwound Valentine Card Fake Train
Jesu Star Silver
king carcass erosion other minds other species
when people were shorter and lived near the water end of the line part 1 > part 2 bill kennedy's showtime
The damned therapy sessions of the damned
pere ubu come home story of my life
Radiohead There There Hail to the Thief
The casuals walk faster walk faster
My Bloody Valentine I Only Said Loveless
dinosaur jr sludgefeast > the lung you're living all over me
Black Sabbath fx > supernaut vol 4