Playlist Archive

Symphonies of the Night /

Time Artist Track Album
Korpiklaani Kerhunkaatolaulu Tervaskanto
Falkenbach Heathen Foray Heralding: The Fireblade
Leaves' Eyes Galswintha Symphonies of the Night
Eluveitie Omnos Evocations I: The Arcane Dominion
Haggard Eppur si mouve Eppur si muove
Equilibrium Die Weide und der Fluß Sagas
Kampfar Antvort Heimgang
Leaves' Eyes Froya's Theme Njord
Epica Trois Vierges Consign to Oblivion
Lyriel Hijo de la Luna Autumntales
Sabaton Swedish Pagans The Art of War
Eluveitie Lvgvs Evocations II - Pantheon
Haggard Of a Might Divine Eppur si mouve
Thorr's Hammer Dommedagsnatt Dommedagsnatt
Theatre of Tragedy Lorelei Aégis
Tristania Beyond the Veil Beyond the Veil
Saltatio Mortis Eulenspiegel Sturm aufs Paradies
Nightwish Last of the Wilds Dark Passion Play
Celtic Frost Ain Elohim Monotheist
Eluveitie Brictom Evocation I: The Arcane Dominion
Leaves' Eyes Maid of Lorraine Symphonies of the Night
Haggard Chapter I: Tales of Ithiria Tales of Ithiria
Amon Amarth The Last With Pagan Blood The Avenger
Equilibrium Blut im Auge Sagas
Tyr Hel Hath No Fury Valkyrja
Saltatio Mortis Satan's Fall Das Schwarze IXI
Kamelot A Sailorman's Hymn The Fourth Legacy
Eluveitie The Arcane Dominion Evocations I: The Arcane Dominion
Lyriel Foeman's Bride Paranoid Circus