Playlist Archive

Why is there an axolotl in my house, and why is it making bananas? /

Time Artist Track Album
Everlovely Lightningheart Cusp Cusp
Pink Sky Disenchantment Disenchantment
Ratboys It's Alive! The Window
Be Your Own Pet Worship The Whip Mommy
Chai I Can't Organizeeee Chai
Teenage Fanclub I Left A Light On Nothing Lasts Forever
Mitski Buffalo Replaced The Land is Inhospitable and So Are We
Laurence-Anne Politesse Oniromancie
Gal Pal pure This and Other Gestures
Frankie and the Witch Fingers Syster System Data Doom
Methyl Ethyl Ubu Everything Is Forgotten
Little Dragon Water New Me, Same Us
Kedr Livanskiy Bounce 2 Your Need